Looks like show will be in May of 2021. Work on the show continues but I have settled on 46 faces with a possibility of a few more if the corona virus settles down in time. Here’s an animation of all of the faces and prints for the show.
New Work
I’ve been putting photographing any of these until I had a ‘full set’ for the eventual showing of them. I needed a few shots of them for a submission so here we go. They didn’t photograph super well but well enough. You lose a lot of the uncanny appearance that is caused by watching the way light plays across them. Still good enough.
Archives Project Update
Currently there are 45 usable scans, 29 of which have been processed for printing (above image). Of the 29 processed images 27 have been printed small but only 20 of those have been picked up. Of the 29, 13 have been printed large and are ready for the show.
I’d be way further along on the big prints but blessedly some people have bought their large ones for themselves or family and friends. I also did some experiments to improve print quality that ate a few big heads. So I have actually printed way more big faces but not all of those are ones going to exhibition.
The light source cube is done. I might grind off a layer of it though and re-coat it. I’m trying to make it more UV resistant by coating it. However I have found the coatings to be surprisingly fragile. The stand for the cube is designed and the mock up made. Once I have some more cash after the holidays I’ll have it fabricated.
The text panels for the show are not far along. The text itself has been chosen but needs many hours of formatting to work. The custom font is ready and the prototype for it came out very well.
If you know of someone who would like to be part of this tell them to email me.